10 Suggestions For Sponsors From Sponsors 

  1. Participate in Mu Alpha Theta contests: the Rocket City Math League, Log1 Contest, and Mathematical Minutes Video Contest (https://mualphatheta.org/contest). 
  2. Hold weekly meetings via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. 
  3. Issue challenges to your members, like: "Record yourself sneaking math puns into conversations throughout the day", “Try to work a math vocab word into every conversation”, or "Make a video where you explain a simple math topic as if it's very complicated".
  4. Invite guest speakers to talk to your chapter (over Zoom) about how math plays in a role in their life and occupation. 
  5. Plan a virtual math activity for the elementary and middle schools in your county. 
  6. Create a "guide to math" of your city, like this one: https://www.maa.org/sites/default/files/pdf/news/Field_Guide-Math_on_the_National_Mall.pdf 
  7. Check out MAA's AMC Kahoot!, which takes place every Wednesdays at 3:30 pm ET. Members can make their own Kahoot!s to help instruct younger members on typical math contest problems. 
  8. Try putting together a virtual math tournament for your school or another school. 
  9. Participate in virtual contests. 
  10. Members could make a list of topics they'd be interested in learning about, and then they could make short videos on those subjects for their chaptermates to watch. Lists might include famous mathematicians, current unsolved problems, important formulae, etc. 

Ideas From Our Partner Organizations 

"How to Study to Learn" Videos: https://amatyc.org/page/howtostudy 

All AMC exams have moved online. M-Powered is a new community support and engagement website: https://maa-amc.org/ 

-Learn math modeling via teacher training videos – 100% suitable for high school students as well! Series of three videos: https://m3challenge.siam.org/resources/teaching-modeling-videos 

-2020 M3 Challenge problem and video presentations playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf_ipOSbWC86dNdRO-JUsrKjYO8wUyztH 

-Free viewable/downloadable handbooks, videos, sample problems, and more fun stuff to do and explore on the Resources page of the M3 Challenge web site. Other modeling practice problems with archived text chats with problem authors appended also great to review. 

-Tons of M3 videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C3D55F2E8B6A33B&app=desktop 

-Our intro / “about M3 Challenge” runs for 1 minute and gives a good overview of what M3 is and how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt4gaXFkEnQ 

-An animated video about the resources available to help teams be successful in a ~3 minute video here (this one refers to lots of other FREE digitally available educational materials): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTKrJLoZw5Q 

More Resources 

Black Girl MATHgic 
Black Girl MATHgic is the first and only monthly screen-free subscription box designed to increase math confidence and decrease math anxiety in girls on a 3rd-8th grade math level. Each box comes chock-full of screen-free math activities, profile of a woman mathematician, custom stickers, math affirmation, and more. The BGM Box is co-curricular and perfect for supplementing lessons, as well! These boxes could help your chapter plan competitions, lessons, and tutoring for local elementary and middle schoolers. Each box contains up to 40 hours’ worth of activities. Check out www.blackgirlmathgic.com for more info. 

National Museum of Mathematics 

-Onramps: https://matlabacademy.mathworks.com/ 
-Student Tutorials and Videos: https://www.mathworks.com/academia/student-competitions/tutorials-videos.html 
-Cleve’s blog: https://blogs.mathworks.com/cleve/2018/10/05/mathworks-math-modeling-challenge/ 

Arete Labs 
League Play: we can create leagues of online competition between math classes/teams of any frequency - weekly, monthly or otherwise. Leagues can be followed by a bracket tournament or championship. The functionality is fully customizable to each locality's specific requirements. 

Math Madness: classes/teams from around the U.S. can compete. The event is offered both in the fall and spring. http://www.aretelabs.com/math_madness/about 
-100% Online + Team-based + Live Scoring = Thrilling! 
-Offered at 3 levels: ES (3-5th), MS (6-8th), and HS (9-12th) 
-4 weeks of scrimmaging followed by a six-week national, NCAA-style bracket tournament 
-One 30-minute match per week playable any day/time, featuring individual and collaborative play 
-Content aligned with CCSS generally - great prep for Math Olympiads, Mathcounts and AMC contests 
-Solutions post immediately after each match making for a unique teaching/learning opportunity Prices range from $120-$375 for an entire team for the entire season, depending on team size and the level of play. Discounts available as needed; very flexible payment deadlines. Video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylvDUI_HZAA&t=4s 

University of the Incarnate Word 
Date: February 18, 2021 at 4:30 pm-5:30 pm (CDT) 
Speaker: Dr. Amanda Laubmeier, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University 
Title: Modelling the effects of insecticides on natural predator mobility 
Meeting URL: https://uiw.zoom.us/j/97143658300?from=addon 
Meeting ID: 971 4365 8300 

Omega Learn 
A great resource for high schoolers that provides a variety of free classes, a comprehensive list of resources, and fun math competitions: https://www.omegalearn.org/ and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WluTIscnUqCXouVfoj6edc23aupyGjAL/view 

The Knowledge Society 
TKS is a 10-month accelerator program with weekly sessions. Students ages 11-17 apply and interview before joining. Limited spots available.:https://tks.world/ Signup to watch a virtual talk with some of the world's top innovators: https://tks.world/talks/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=student_orgs&utm_campaign=marketing_december_2020_tkstalks_netflix 

-For general SIMIODE resources, check out: https://simiode.org. 

-SIMIODE Challenge Using Differential Equations Modeling, check out: https://www.simiode.org/scudem. The challenge is for teams of three high school and undergraduate students either from one school or assembled from individual student registrations from around the world. Registration is going on right now for Challenge Period 23 October – 14 November 2020. This is an online activity in which students select one of three modeling opportunities and submit a ten-minute team video for judging. 

Math Reimagined 
(Currently ONLY for girls who live in Missouri) The nonprofit Math Reimagined is hosting weekly “Intro to Contest Math” sessions every Sunday from 3-5pm CT. These sessions are taught by girls for girls and include instruction from MATHCOUNTS national and state countdown qualifiers. Please contact contact@mathreim.org to sign up. This group is open to expanding across the country, so please email them if you don’t live in Missouri but are interested in expanding this program into your area.